Whilst you can usually get your Blue Badge replaced for free from your local Council within 8 weeks, Blue Badge theft can be distressing. Thieves will usually opt for ‘smash and grab’ tactics. They are opportunistic thieves looking for quick and convenient steals. Smashed windscreens, Police reporting, expensive vehicle repairs and increased insurance premiums all make Blue Badge theft very stressful, and if you are a victim of Blue Badge theft you should report it immediately to the Police and seek support from your local Council’s Blue Badge team.
How can you help prevent the theft of your Blue Badge and damage to your vehicle? Firstly, you must ensure you only leave your Blue Badge in your vehicle when it is in use and when it is not that the Blue Badge is hidden from view or preferably removed from your vehicle.
When your Blue Badge is in use you can secure it to your steering wheel using a Blue Badge Protector.